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讲座预告 | 何治国教授做客黄达-蒙代尔讲堂





张成思教授 中国人民大学财政金融学院副院长,教育部“长江学者”特聘教授主要研究方向为货币金融学。已在Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, International Journal of Central Banking, Journnal of International Money and Finance和《经济研究》等国内外知名学术期刊发表论文百余篇。


何治国教授,现任芝加哥大学布斯(Booth)商学院 Fuji Bank and Heller 金融学讲座教授,Becker Friedman中国经济研究中心主任。同时兼任清华大学经济与管理学院阿里巴巴公益基金特聘教授、复旦大学泛海国际金融学院金融学特聘教授。他同时担任美国国家经济研究局教授研究员(NBERResearchAssociate)。何治国教授获得过很多奖项。2007年荣获雷曼兄弟优秀金融研究大奖。2012年他荣获瑞士金融协会杰出论文奖和Smith-Breeden 年度最佳论文奖(金融学期刊Journal of Finance),2014年获得Alfred P. Sloan斯隆经济学研究奖和Brattle-Group年度最佳论文奖(金融学期刊Journal of Finance)。

何治国教授在国际顶级学术刊物上发表过多篇论文,包括American Economic Review, Econometrica, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Economics。目前他还是Journal of Finance和Review of Financial Studies的副主编。



Open banking facilitates data sharing consented by customers who generate the data, with a regulatory goal of promoting competition between traditional banks and challenger fintech entrants. We study lending market competition when sharing banks' customer data enables better borrower screening or targeting by fintech lenders. Open banking could make the entire financial industry better off yet leave all borrowers worse off, even if borrowers could choose whether to share their data. We highlight the importance of equilibrium credit quality inference from borrowers’ endogenous sign-up decisions. When data sharing triggers privacy concerns by facilitating exploitative targeted loans, the equilibrium sign-up population can grow with the degree of privacy concerns.

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