


题目:Government Production, complementarity and the effects of government spending shocks

时间:2016年3月2日 星期三     12:00 – 14:00


报告人:Zipeng Zhou


This paper reconsiders the effect of government spending on the private sector economy through input and output channels of government production. I introduce a long-run benign government producer to an otherwise standard two-sector business cycle model with price rigidity. I model government production, distinguishing between different categories of inputs, including employment, intermediate goods and capital goods and different categories of outputs. Specific inputs and outputs are classified according to their elasticity of substitution with private consumption. Given the average level of complementarity/substitutability between private consumption, labor supply, and government outputs, I explore the effects of shocks to the different components of government production. The results indicate that a fiscal policy which can ne-tune the allocation of government inputs and the categories of government outputs is able to span the whole range of theoretical results on the responses of private consumption, private output, real wage and private labor to a government spending shock.

报告人简介:Zipeng Zhou,首都经贸大学助理教授,美国乔治城大学经济学博士,北京大学经济学硕士。研究方向为财政支出,财政政策,宏观经济学等。

上一篇:【财税论坛】2016年第3期(总第111期) 下一篇:【财税论坛】2015年第十九期(总第108期)