


【本期主题】Does Career Risk Deter Potential Entrepreneurs?

Do potential entrepreneurs remain in wage employment because of the danger that they will face worse job opportunities should their entrepreneurial ventures fail? Using a Canadian reform that extended job-protected leave to one year for women giving birth after a cutoff date, we study whether the option to return to a previous job increases entrepreneurship. A regression discontinuity design reveals that longer job-protected leave increases entrepreneurship by 1.8 percentage points. The results are driven by more educated entrepreneurs, starting firms that survive at least five years and hire paid employees, in industries where experimentation is more valuable.

【报告人】 Ting Xu

【时 间】2017年5月26日 上午10:00

【地 点】明德主楼509室



Ting Xu is an Assistant Professor of Finance at the University of Virginia, Darden School of Business. His research focuses on entrepreneurship and corporate finance. His work has been published at the Review of Financial Studies and has been presented at major conferences such as NBER, AFA, WFA, and EFA. His research has also been featured in the press, including Bloomberg and Politico. Xu holds a B.A. in Finance from Renmin University of China, a M.Sc. in Economics from HKUST, and a Ph.D. in Finance from the University of British Columbia, Sauder School of Business.





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