


题目:Income and Malaria: Evidence from an agricultural intervention in Uganda

时间:2016年4月20日 星期三     12:00 – 14:00


报告人:Pan Yao

摘要:We exploit a spatial discontinuity in the coverage of an agricultural extension program in Uganda to causally identify its effects on malaria. We find that eligibility for the program reduced the incidence of malaria by 8.8 percentage points, with children and pregnant women experiencing most of these improvements. An examination of the underlying mechanisms indicates that an increase in income and the resulting increase in the ownership and usage of bednets is the most likely candidate driving these effects. Taken together, these results signify the importance of liquidity constraints in investments for malaria prevention and the potential role that agricultural development can play in easing it.

报告人简介:Pan Yao, Assistant Professor of Economics at Aalto University (former Helsinki School of Economics).Her research interests are development economics and labor economics.She has published her paper in Regional Science and Urban Economics.

上一篇:【财税论坛】2016年第7期(总第115期) 下一篇:【财税论坛】2016年第4期(总第112期)